Prostatitis is a fairly common disease of the prostate gland that affects a significant number of men worldwide. Inflammation of the organ is due to a number of reasons, which are taken into account by the urologist when choosing treatment tactics. The plan is prepared for each patient individually, but in most situations it is impossible to achieve a positive result without the use of antibacterial agents.
Antibiotics: characteristics of the pharmacological group

The term with the same name appeared for the first time in 1942, when special chemicals were obtained from microorganisms that could inhibit the vital activity of certain bacteria and cause their death. Today, this is a broad category of drugs that are used in the treatment of infectious diseases caused by various pathogens. They are divided into two large groups. The first includes agents that cause the death of microbes. The second includes drugs that only prevent their reproduction, but do not kill them. Because they cannot reproduce, they are destroyed by the body's immune cells.
Antibacterial drugs are classified according to their origin, chemical composition, mechanism of action and the frequency of emergence of resistant forms. Despite their differences, they all have a lot in common. This:
- high efficiency;
- ease of use;
- local impact;
- efficiency;
- ease of acceptance;
- a small list of side effects.
Medicines are designed to eliminate the inflammatory process and reduce symptoms. Currently, manufacturers in our country offer a wide range of drugs that are used in local medicine and sent abroad.
Treatment of prostatitis with antibacterial drugs
Before carrying out therapy, it is necessary to identify the type of pathogen and determine the nature of the disease. When are antibiotics vital for the treatment of prostatitis in men and in what situations can you do without them?

Importance in inflammation of the prostate
Inflammation of the prostate gland can be infectious and radically different in nature. In the first case, the bacterial species is isolated separately. In the latter case, antimicrobial drugs are useless. Their use is possible only if the disease is caused by a representative of the biocenosis and the degree of severity no longer matters.
Antibiotics for acute and chronic prostatitis are prescribed if the infectious form of the disease is confirmed.
The choice of means is made by a specialist, taking into account the following factors:
- causes of the inflammatory process;
- flow duration;
- the degree of activity of the drug against the pathogen;
- individual sensitivity of the patient to the individual components.
The effect of drugs on the gland
The use of antibiotics is prescribed by a doctor to eliminate pathogenic microbes. This treatment option allows you to achieve the following results:
- relieve pain;
- normalization of body temperature;
- increase in urodynamics;
- restoration of prostate function.
In prostatitis, the inflamed organ always increases in size, putting pressure on the surrounding tissues, which causes pain. Antibacterial agents help to relieve swelling, restore the normal volume of the gland and its functionality.
Advantages and disadvantages
Inflammation and BPH are usually treated with antibacterial drugs from different groups. Each of them has its pros and cons. To determine the choice of the optimal drug, it is necessary to consider them in more detail.
Group name | Advantages | disadvantages |
Fluoroquinolones | Biological and clinical effectiveness; easy tolerance; long half-life; minimal side effects; high bioavailability. |
Prohibited during pregnancy and breastfeeding; toxic effects on the liver and kidneys; development of symptomatic signs: nausea, vomiting, dizziness and pain. |
Cephalosporins | High activity; good tolerance; synergy with the products of the previous group; minimal side effects. |
Relatively weak effect against pneumococci; gastrointestinal dysfunction; photosensitivity (rare). |
Macrolides | Low toxicity; high concentration; bacteriostatic effect; no cross allergy. |
Cause symptomatic manifestations; digestive system disorder. |
Penicillins | High speed of action; minimal side effects; relative safety; foreseeable consequences; short elimination period. |
Cleavage in the gastrointestinal tract, therefore administered by injection; Do not use in inflammation of the prostate. |
Tetracyclines | Bacteriostatic effect; wide range of applications. |
Microbial resistance to drugs of this group |
Types of dosage forms
Complex therapy includes the use of various methods, one of which is taking drugs. The pharmaceutical industry produces several dosage forms of antibiotics. In the treatment of prostatitis, tablets, capsules, injection solutions, ointments and rectal suppositories are considered the most convenient.

Local remedies
Medicines for local administration are considered "emergency" help to eliminate the disease. They are designed to deliver the drug to the site of the lesion and have a direct effect on inflammation and infection. In various forms of the disease, it is recommended to use drugs that havecompletely different healing effects Today there is a huge selection of topical products.
These are creams, pastes, gels, emulsions. It is considered advisable to use both externally during massage and rectally in the form of suppositories and tampons. Suppositories have no less effective effect.
Penetrating the lesion, they give the following result:
- relieve pain;
- restoration of blood flow in the pelvic region;
- improvement of metabolic processes;
- inhibit inflammatory processes in the damaged organ.
Independent selection of any drug can worsen the situation and lead to serious consequences. Ointments are prescribed only for a chronic, slow process, and in an acute form they are strictly prohibited, as they can provoke the spread of the infectious agent through the bloodstream.
Suppositories have a similar therapeutic effect and are considered an absolutely safe form of medicine. The most popular are suppositories with chloramphenicol and other medicinal components. All of them reach the site of infection, bypassing the intestinal tract, so they retain their original concentration and have no negative effect on the digestive organs.
Medicines for internal use
Acute or chronic prostatitis is almost always treated with antibiotics. Most of them are available in the following forms: capsules, tablets, solutions for intramuscular injections, which are prescribed by a urologist for the treatment of inflammation of the prostate. The tablet form is most preferred for administration, since self-injection of antibiotics is impossible and dangerous.
Herbal medicines
As is known, in urological practice there are two main directions for the treatment of prostate inflammation and adenoma: medication and surgery. However, many experts suggest trying to get rid of unpleasant symptoms using natural remedies. The pharmaceutical industry produces a number of products that are popular. Some are effective in systemic therapy, while others are used in symptomatic treatment.
Choosing the right medicine
Among the variety of drugs for the common man, it is difficult to settle on any particular drug. How to choose the most suitable one?

The choice of drugs should be made by a doctor, having previously prescribed a set of research procedures. One of the most important diagnostic procedures is a smear from the urethra. The scraping from the mucosa is sent to the laboratory, where it is carefully examined to identify the type of pathogen. Here, bacteriological seeding of the flora is carried out, the growth of which is monitored by a specialist. This determines not only the type of microbe, but also the degree of its activity and aggressiveness. And based on the results obtained, the urologist makes a decision to prescribe drugs.
Groups of antibiotics used in prostatitis
In the treatment of prostatitis, broad-spectrum drugs that are active against a large number of microbes are preferred. This approach is due to the fact that in some cases the development of the inflammatory process is due to the influence of several types of pathogens. Based on this, the patient may be prescribed drugs from the following groups:
- cephalosporins;
- fluoroquinolones;
- macrolides;
- penicillins;
- tetracyclines.
Each of the above is considered effective only against a certain set of pathogens, but there are also interchangeable drugs; only a doctor can assess the appropriateness of the prescription.
Description of representatives
If you start listing all the antibiotics used for prostatitis, the list will be extensive. Still, some of them are deservedly popular due to their good tolerability. Fluoroquinolones are considered the "gold standard" in the treatment of inflammation.
Medicines that complement antibiotic therapy
Treatment of prostatitis at home with antibiotics alone will not be effective, since combined drug therapy is used in practice to quickly get rid of inflammation in its acute course, as well as the chronic form of the disease. This means that in addition to antibiotics, the patient is prescribed drugs from other groups. Traditionally, these are the following means:
- non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - reduce pain, relieve inflammation;
- analgesics (pain relievers) - stop acute attacks;
- alpha-blockers - relax the prostate and bladder muscles;
- immunomodulators - increase the body's resistance to infections;
- venotonics and angioprotectors - strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improve blood microcirculation.
The best antibacterial drugs, according to the reviews of patients and doctors
It is difficult to list all the antibiotics used in the treatment of prostatitis. Studying the examination of each patient and the doctor's recommendations, we can conclude that in each specific case an individual scheme is drawn up and a specific drug is selected. This can be a tablet, suppository or injection.
Pharmacological group | Indications for use |
Penicillins | Ineffective against inflammation of the prostate |
Tetracyclines | Chlamydia, trichomonas, ureaplasma, gonorrheal prostatitis |
Macrolides | Infectious lesions |
Cephalosporins | Exacerbation of bacterial prostatitis, cystitis, ureaplasmosis |
Fluoroquinolones | Bacterial disease in both forms, pharyngitis, diseases of the genitourinary system |
Treatment of prostatitis without antibiotics: is it possible?
Treatment of the disease without the use of antibacterial drugs is possible if it is caused by congestion. By the way, non-infectious prostatitis is considered the most common form of pathology. As a rule, patients turn to a urologist when the process has become chronic, as it is asymptomatic in the early stages.
Therapeutic measures are primarily aimed at eliminating the cause that provoked the disease (restoration of hormonal levels, regular sex, full sexual intercourse). The doctor then administers complex treatment, which includes:
- anti-inflammatory agents;
- physiotherapy procedures;
- massage therapy;
- regular physical activity;
- public funds.
The use of antibiotics is considered inappropriate if the disease is detected in the early stages. Otherwise, to eliminate the risk of the spread of microorganisms, which inevitably occurs during stagnation, broad-spectrum drugs are prescribed.
Antibiotics help in the treatment of prostatitis if the inflammatory process is caused by pathogenic bacteria. But despite the relative safety of the drugs, they should be prescribed only by a specialist who can quickly cure the patient's illness. Therefore, at the first unpleasant symptoms, you should visit a medical facility.